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Quigley Speaks Against Anti-Choice Amendment

November 7, 2009

Video of the speech can be found here

Tonight, during debate of the Health Care Reform bill, Congressman Mike Quigley (D-IL) gave the following speech on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives:

"The health care bill we are considering today makes a strong statement that everyone in this country deserves access to health care.

For over eight months this body has strived to overcome the health care inequalities in our country.

But this amendment disrupts that sense of equality.

This amendment says only women who can afford insurance deserve access to reproductive health care.

This amendment says that women who need a little help paying for health care have to surrender their right to privacy.

This amendment will serve only to hurt low-income women and restrict their ability to access reproductive health care, even with their own money.

It is wrong and we should oppose it. Thank you."


Issues:ChoiceHealth Care