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We Can’t Put Politics Over People When it Comes to Health Care

May 5, 2017

Dear Friend,

As a member of Congress, I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure my constituents have the opportunity to be healthy, safe, and secure – both financially and in all aspects of life. However, the House abdicated that duty this week by putting politics over people when it passed legislation to strip health care from millions of Americans. Yesterday's vote will have a huge impact on those we represent, including people with pre-existing conditions who will lose protection, and seniors who will now be forced to pay considerably higher out-of-pocket costs under this bill – up to five times as much. The American people entrusted us with their well-being, and they deserve a lot better than what happened yesterday.

As we know, the majority of Americans want Congress to improve the Affordable Care Act, not destroy it. I continue to stand by my offer to work with Republicans on common-sense, bipartisan improvements to the ACA that will expand access to quality, affordable care for all. Unfortunately, the American Health Care Act will do just the opposite.

I want to thank the hundreds of individuals who called and emailed my office to express their concerns over this legislation, and I promise I will do everything in my power – through the appropriations process and otherwise – to protect the American people from the consequences of this selfish, shameful action.


Mike Quigley

Issues:Health Care